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I processed boomer data acquired in:

Trieste Gulf
Iseo lake
The boomer data was collected in Gulf of Trieste 2 times: 2003 for a phd thesis and 2006 for mapping a pollution area. In 2013 we collected VHRS data in front of foundry plant to detect the thickness of polluted sediments.


Boomer - Gulf of Trieste Boomer - Gulf of Trieste


Boomer - Gulf of Trieste


sezione boomer

Thank to: F.Fanzutti, R. Romeo, P. Visnovich

Boomer - Iseo lakeThe boomer data collected in Iseo lake (a grid of 118 profiles) was used for a morphological and geophysical study (Regione Lombardia - Territorio e Urbanistica - CARG Project, 2002). The boomer data showed that uppermost part of the sediments can be subdivided into three sequences:
  • recent lacustrine deposits;
  • glacial deposits recording the last glacial maximum expansion;
  • lacustrine deposits;

Thank to: F.Coren, C.De Cilia, F.Fanzutti

Venice Lagoon

Caldonazzo - Lavarone - Levico lakes
In Venice lagoon we carried out 3 projects:


  • CARG: Geological mapping of sheets 128 ‘Venezia’ and 148–149 ‘Chioggia-Malamocco’
  • Line 3.16 in Co.Ri.La (2004-06): The objective was the implementation of a 2D high resolution seismic system adapted for very shallow water depth surveys to investigate the Holocene and Late Pleistocene sedimentation of lagoon.
  • RITMARE (2012-15): Coast study.

Thank to: A.Affatato,M.Bonardi,F.Fanzutti,F.Rizzetto,L.Tosi, equipaggio Litus

boomer - CaldonazzoIn the frame of the OLOAMBIENT project (coordinated by the Museo Tridentino di Scienze Naturali) we collected boomer data in three trentin lakes: Lavarone, Levico and Caldonazzo. These data was the aims to reconstruct the Holocene climate fluctuations in Dolomities region.

Thank to: F.Fanzutti, vigili del fuoco di trento

Manfredonia Gulf

Grado Lagoon

Far from Manfredonia we collected boomer data for an high resolution survey (eolic field project).
Thank to:
In the frame of VECTOR project we collected over 100 km of boomer data.
Thank to: M.Busetti,P.Visnovic

Argentina lakes

Koper port

boomer in BeagleIn the frame of an Italy-Argentina MAE project we collected boomer data in Fagnano Lake and in other several lakes (Roca, Chepelmut, Argentino, Yehuin and Beagle channel) in Tierra del Fuego.boomer on Roca
Thank to:
Section boomer collected in Koper seaIn collaboration with Harpasea we collected several profiles in front of Koper port. The test goal was to compare boomer and ses2000 data.
Thank to:
F.Fanzutti, Harpasea
La Maddalena   Ancona
Boomer profile collected in La MaddalenaWe investigated with boomer the ex-Arsenale port to detect the granite and upper sediments.
Thank to:
A. Affatato, Protezione Civile
  We studied the sea area in front to the big landscape of Ancona. 
Thank to: F.Fanzutti
Monfalcone   Asinara
We collected VHRS data to investigate for new industrial works.

Thank to: L. Petronio
We studied the sediments in several areas in front of Asinara Island for Ente Parco dell'Asinara

Thank to: R. Romeo
We collected VHRS data for Gozo-Malta Tunnel.

Thank to: E. Gordini, L. Petronio

Note: All these seismic data acquired and processed by luca baradello in OGS with Focus, Seismic Unix and RadexPro. Kingdom for interpretation.


last modified: march 2015