Flavio Poletto
Flavio Poletto was born in Italy in 1952. He received the degree Dottore in Fisica from the University of Trieste in 1988. He works at the Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale — OGS (former Osservatorio Geofisico Sperimentale), Italy. Here, he has been working in seismic processing from 1984 to 1987. Since 1988, he has been working as a geophysicist on seismic-while-drilling research by using the drilling noise to obtain reverse vsp’s. He is the author of many papers on swd, drill-string acoustics, and the co-author of patents regarding the drill-bit-noise separation for rvsp by using statistical independence and drilling parameters.
Currently, he works as senior research geophysicist and is coordinator of the Seismic-while-drilling Project at OGS. His research activity includes borehole geophysics, acoustic and seismic while drilling, with applications extended to drilling diagnostics and geosteering.
Publications (pdf)
Memberships: SEG, EAGE, SPE
Awards (pdf)
Patents (pdf)
Seismic While Drilling
Fundamentals of Drill-Bit Seismic for Exploration
Poletto, F. and Miranda, F.
2004, Handbook of geophysical exploration, Seismic exploration series, Vol. 35, Elsevier
Contents (pdf)
Errata corrige (pdf)
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